New Service Announcement: NFPA 79/791 Project Design Consulting and Compliance Review

New Service Announcement: NFPA 79/791 Project Design Consulting and Compliance Review

Our clients have come to expect a lot from our engineering team when it comes to getting equipment compliance right.

Every year at Lewis Bass, our engineering team encounters a variety of unique compliance situations that block our clients from achieving their goals of installing unlisted equipment in their facilities at the last minute, hampering production or delaying important research.

Our clients generally find their equipment in non-compliance with their local cities, counties, or government agencies due to two distinct situations:

  1. When shipping equipment from overseas suppliers directly to their facilities in the US without confirming with the supplier that the equipment is compliant to US electrical standards;
  2. When building custom equipment in-house for their own internal use

The common factor for both of these situations is always the lack of preparation for designing a piece of equipment for compliance with NFPA 79 (The Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery), NFPA 791 (Recommended Practice and Procedures for Unlabeled Electrical Equipment Evaluation), and not using UL508A listed control panels.

Since we often provide this level of design review consulting for projects as a means of getting our clients to the finish line in the course of a typical field evaluation project in the United States, it makes sense to also simply offer this service as a standalone service itself which this blog will serve as an introduction to.

Our goal by offering this service is to provide our clients with actionable insights, making the process of achieving compliance smoother and more efficient.

Why You Should Care About NFPA Standards

Navigating the world of compliance can be daunting, especially with the stringent requirements of NFPA standards. NFPA 79, for example, focuses on the electrical standards for industrial machinery, ensuring that equipment operates safely. NFPA 791 and UL508A also play crucial roles in field evaluation and certification processes. This is where our NFPA design consulting services come in. We help you understand and apply these standards, ensuring your equipment is both safe and compliant.

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NFPA Design Consulting Services Tailored to Your Needs

One of the standout features of our new NFPA 79/791 design review consulting service is it’s ability to prepare you for a comprehensive field evaluation. We also know that since each project is unique, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for this type of service.

Therefore, our engineering team takes a proactive approach toward discussing your project and its unique needs ahead of offering a formal proposal for services, to ensure we are all on the same page with expectations for the project’s deliverables and end result.

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Our NFPA Design Consulting Services Support a Wide Range of Industries

At Lewis Bass, we recognize that different industries have unique compliance challenges.

Our NFPA design consulting and field evaluation services cater to various sectors, including:

  • Industrial Equipment: Ensuring heavy machinery and industrial tools meet NFPA standards for safe and efficient operation.
  • Automation Equipment: Assisting in the compliance of automated systems and robotics, focusing on safety and reliability.
  • Semiconductor Equipment: Providing specialized insights for semiconductor manufacturing equipment, helping to navigate the complex compliance landscape.

By leveraging our expertise across these industries, we offer tailored support that addresses the specific needs of each sector, ensuring that your equipment not only meets regulatory requirements but also performs optimally in your operational environment.

The Benefits of Choosing Lewis Bass for Your Project

Our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of experience in NFPA design review consulting. We don’t just point out problems; we provide actionable insights that help you achieve compliance. From initial design reviews to on-site field evaluation services, we’re with you every step of the way. We understand the importance of getting your equipment up and running quickly, without compromising on safety or compliance.

By choosing Lewis Bass for your NFPA 79/791/UL508A project consulting needs, you’re opting for a partner committed to your success. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Expert Guidance: Our team stays up-to-date with the latest NFPA standards and compliance requirements, ensuring you receive the most current and relevant advice.
  • Customized Solutions: Our field evaluation is tailored to meet your specific project needs, providing you with customized solutions that make a real difference.
  • Efficiency and Compliance: We streamline the compliance process, helping you get your equipment to market faster while ensuring all safety standards are met.

At Lewis Bass, we’re not just consultants; we’re your partners in machinery compliance success. Let us help you navigate the complexities of NFPA standards and achieve the peace of mind that comes with knowing your equipment is safe, compliant, and ready for the North American market.

Do you have a need for our services?

Lewis Bass can help your team identify the most common safety issues in your facility, along with providing immediate referrals to our trusted partners to address them on your behalf.

Not sure what service you need from us?

Take our service identifier quiz here.

Are you uncertain if your equipment is unlisted or not at your facility?

Lewis Bass has you covered here as well: download our unlisted equipment self-identification flyer here.

Do you have a need for an urgent machinery evaluation?

Please reach out to us using our contact form here or call/text us directly on our office line 408-942-8000. We are always available to help with rush jobs and permit-blocking safety situations at your facility.

Lewis Bass International Engineering Services