Introducing the Lewis Bass Unlisted Equipment Survey Flyer

Introducing the Lewis Bass Unlisted Equipment Survey Flyer

Your plans for opening your facility after a big move to that new city were going so well…

Then the electrical inspector showed up at the midnight hour and informed you that 50% of your equipment is not compliant and requires third party electrical certification before the building permit can be signed off.

You look at your new construction site’s project manager and he looks right back at you and shrugs. “These things happen,” he mentions to you in a matter-of-fact way.

Yes, these situations like the above mock scenario do, in fact, happen—and we here at Lewis Bass get these frantic calls (rush jobs, we call them) begging us to evaluate their equipment yesterday!

From our experience we know without a doubt that 100% of the time these situations are attributable to our clients and their general contractors paying attention to every detail during a move or new facility build-out but the machinery they are moving or installing in the facility.

To help mitigate these types of situations, Lewis Bass has created a simple and scalable way to allow our clients and prospective clients to self-identify their machinery and flag it for evaluation before being blocked by the city.

This new method comes in the form of an easy-to-use flyer entitled, The Lewis Bass Unlisted Equipment Survey Flyer.

The Lewis Bass Unlisted Equipment Survey Flyer is super easy to use

This flyer was intentionally created to approach any target audience in a variety of industries that use any type of custom, research, or industrial machinery.

Three common situations and next steps are visually shown on the flyer:

1) Situations for when an existing NRTL Mark is found on equipment and a field label is not necessary.

2) Machinery that only have CE Markings on them that require a field label evaluation.

3) How to spot custom and combined machinery that require field label evaluation

The flyer also features basic data capture for describing and referencing the machines that have been found non-compliant at the bottom.

Are you interested in sharing this flyer with your co-workers or clients that are involved with the purchase and deployment of machinery in their business?

You can download the survey using the link below.

The Lewis Bass Unlisted Equipment Survey Flyer

Are you a General Contractor that wants to offer third party electrical evaluations as part of your service package for clients?

Lewis Bass offers partnership agreements with GCs that are interested in offering our services as a part of their portfolio for their clients.

The Lewis Bass Unlisted Equipment Survey Flyer can be branded with your company’s logo, website, and contact details and in any color scheme you’d prefer.

Learn more about what it means to offer this service and how the agreement works by clicking the link below.

Download the Lewis Bass Unlisted Equipment Service Introduction Flyer

Do you have a need for our services?

Lewis Bass can help your team identify the most common safety issues in your facility, along with providing immediate referrals to our trusted partners to address them on your behalf.

Not sure what service you need from us?

Take our service identifier quiz here.

Do you have a need for an urgent machinery evaluation?

Please reach out to us using our contact form here or call us directly at our office line 408-942-8000. We are always available to help with rush jobs and permit-blocking safety situations at your facility.

Lewis Bass International Engineering Services